No meeting during Holy Week – Help Needed

Brothers, we’ll skip the Monday of Holy Week and resume the following Monday, April 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fr. George Malin Center at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church. [Map]

Fr. Henry is requesting that The Men’s group be well represented durring Holy Week, and that we participate and help where needed. To make yourself available, please contact Jeff at 727-819-5103 or email him at

From our last meeting, “Be a Man who Lives Like a Beloved Son.”

Three tasks you must accomplish:

  1. Be still and let God embrace you as His son.He spoke to Jesus, let Him speak to you. “You are my beloved son.” After spending time in His embrace, respond to Him and take five minutes to pray the “Our Father” from the depth of your being to your Father who is with you.
  2. Be a man who reads the bible.Decide to read Scripture everyday, for it is here that God will speak to you and reveal His will to you. Love “No Bible, no breakfast; no Bible, no bed.”
  3. Be a man who listens more than he talks. This begins with your relationship with God. Never leave your prayer time without giving time to silence.

Next meeting

[su_highlight]Be a man who repents[/su_highlight]

[su_quote]The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel. – Mark 1:15[/su_quote]

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